Sunday, August 5, 2007

Something to Look Forward to

The cross country club is organizing a half-marathon on Saturday 18th and tomorrow I’ll go and sign up. Not for the half-marathon, alas, but for the 10.5 kilometres. I’m really excited about the event and am very curious to see the route they’ve planned for us. I hope they will keep us clear of the worst hills. I’ve only been in a handful of races before and only ever for fun and not competing against anybody but my own time and I’ve never been in a race this long. I really hope that I can go the course.
I saw the poster advertising the race yesterday and today I began preparing running to the Water Reservoir Lake and back in exactly one hour. It was early afternoon and the air was hot and dry from all the sunny summer days we’ve had. Despite the fine weather not many people were out in the streets. I can smell the dogs when I pass them: dusty fur, urine and badly preserved dog food. Mostly they lie stretched out lazily on the ground, probably suffering in the heat and most likely being bored and longing for frost and snow and winter when they get to run in front of the sledge.

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