Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Evening Hike

It all began pretty low with a bit of a cold and a sore throat – and I’m usually never ill. So straight after work I headed for a nap in bed, and then I was perfectly all right in the evening so we went out in the back lands for about an hour’s walk.

And we found heaven on Earth!

Such a beautiful evening, with sun that poured down like honey, as Cohen sings. Even after living in the house for more than a year we’re still amazed that this unspoiled and impressive scenery is just in our own backyard.

Now I’ll get my hiking gear sorted so it’s ready for tomorrow. When I finish work and have been at the Red Cross with Karen we’ll pack the boat and sail off with the tent and sleeping bags. And then, Friday morning, reindeer beware, because we’re out to get you!

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