Monday, July 30, 2007

Monday Jog

3 minutes slower than yesterday, and I don’t really understand why because I felt I had found a method of speeding up when running down-hill. Perhaps I accidentally slowed down up-hill? It was a good run though, in ghostly-grey fog and still, damp air. By the water reservoir lake construction workers are digging down pipes even this late at night. You know the way you try to make your breathing light and effortless when they make their construction machines slow down so that you can pass them on the narrow dirt road? And in fact your heart is hammering and your face is the colour of flames. It is so ridicules, because most likely they don’t give a toss about you and if they were to pay any attention they’d instantly see right through your efforts of trying to look like somebody from Golden League when in fact you’re beat after the first few hundreds meters and are having pains and cramps on such a Monday jog.For the benefit of the friendly person who has a thing about ‘feets’ I’ve uploaded another picture of my pair, this time in my favourite homey socks that I bought at the Christmas Market last year by an elderly lady.

1 comment:

Rainey said...

Cool Colors!
12:12am EDST