Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Back on the Horse

Just after the half marathon everything was fine with me, but then I went for an hour’s jog a few days later, and that suddenly and completely unexpectedly turned my toe into a pitiful blue and sore lump. Look at the picture if you can stomach the sight!
Sooooo, I guess I’d better relax on the couch and watch Brokeback Mountain that I’m probably the only person on this planet who hasn’t seen yet. Trouble is that I live in a town with no cinema. Such places do exist, though not for long, as we’re about to get an entire House of Culture with a big screen, a café and other cultural whatshallwecallthem. Sisimiut is turning into a right metropolis.


Eduardo Waghorn said...

Sailing in blogosphere I found you...
Warm greetings from Chile to bigger island of the world, Greenland.
Do you speak just danish?

I see you are foreign on these lands. Am I wrong?

I know greenlandic language is very complex.
My blog have 2 years now, if you could send me your greetings into your own language, I could feel happy.
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, poor you. And then nothing to do but sprawl on the couch. P.S.: haven't watched Brokeback Mountain either. And nothing is on at the cinema in Nuuk where I'm going for a few days.