Sunday, July 15, 2007

A hike to the UFO

Yes, a UFO has landed near Sisimiut, and the hike to it is great and can be done in ½ a day. Last Friday Jesper and I set out after I had finished work. The weather was perfect, mild and sunny, and the mosquitoes got a bit aggressive and we put on repellent to keep them off. The first half of the hike towards the UFO is across flat bushy ground that tends to be wet and swampy. The trick is to cover this stretch quickly to get to the interesting hillsides going up and past several pretty lakes.
The warm weather has brought out all the arctic flowers. They are tiny in growth, but are very colourful and send out spicy scents of summer. The UFO is in app. 300 metres the highest point of the hike being the hill just before coming to the actual building. Let’s reveal that the UFO is a cabin certainly shaped as the stereotypical image of a UFO but placed there by the Sisimiut Municipality for school children to go camping.

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